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Dalek Comparison
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A Pictorial Review by Hoosier Whovian

In 2008 a new sculpt of the Dalek figure was included with the Stolen Earth 4 figure set. So far this set has not been sold to retailers in the USA by Underground Toys. This makes the Crucible Dalek 'exclusive' to the UK.

Many people in the USA are curious about the new sculpt. The following in text and photos is a breakdown of the old dalek sculpt versus the revised dalek sculpt. Unlike a certain carbonated beverage that also had an old vs. new controversy, the new sculpt wins hands, or rather manipulator arms down!

The two Daleks used in the photos are the Crucible Dalek from the Stolen Earth Set, and Dalek Thay from the Army of Ghosts Set.

Dalek Comparison

Crucible Dalek & Dalek Thay

As the Crucible Dalek had a 'garden weasel' (a type of tool in the USA) instead of a 'sink plunger' the Supreme Dalek kindly consented to having his used as a stand in for comparison.

The most obvious changes are in the 3 attachments.

Crucible Dalek
Dalek Thay

Crucible Dalek & Dalek Thay - Eye Stalk

The eye is shorter and the clear disks are far more detailed.

Crucible Dalek
Dalek Thay

Crucible Dalek & Dalek Thay - Eye Cowling

The cowling around the eyes is more refined and also the slot in the top is farther back. The pivot point the eye connects to also has a grooved finish.

Crucible Dalek
Dalek Thay

Crucible Dalek & Dalek Thay - Gun Arm

The gun is smaller and far more proportionate. You will also notice the boxes that the attachments connect to have more detail with the four bolts present.

Crucible Dalek
Dalek Thay

Crucible Dalek & Dalek Thay - Plunger

The maniputalor arm on the Crucible is something like a garden tool, however, if there are future daleks released that are drones, then this is most likely the arm piece that will be used. It fits fine in the socket. Again, the proportion is much better than the old sculpt.

Crucible Dalek Dalek Thay

Crucible Dalek & Dalek Thay - Rear View

Even the shoulder slats get an improvement from the new sculpt. As you can see the number of slats is accurate, as well as able to hide the seam a bit more. Even the neck ring 'bolts' are wider.

Crucible Dalek Dalek Thay

Crucible Dalek & Dalek Thay - Profile

Looking at the two profile photos there are many subtle improvements. The only item that was not improved upon was the paint job for the ear lights. The Supreme Dalek does have his painted silver, this is a production concern and not a sculpting issue.

The dalek resculpt is just another fine example of the incredible attention given to every detail by the folks at Designworks and Character Options.

Thanks Hoosier Whovian

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